
周末最大的好處就是沒有規則,正如「蝙蝠俠:黑夜之神」中Joker對蝙蝠俠所說的「The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules」。我這個周末全無計劃,跟著感覺走。平時很少有機會讀小説,不過這個周末我卻破例讀起小説來,從「判決」到「變形記」,再到「飢餓藝術家」,都是卡夫卡的。






遠離都市,在這無人的世界裏,我又讀起了卡夫卡。他在「Excursion into the Mountains」中寫道:「 ‘I DON’T KNOW,’ I cried without being heard, ‘I do not know. If nobody comes, then nobody comes. I’ve done nobody any harm, nobody’s done me any harm, but nobody will help me. A pack of nobodies. Yet that isn’t all true. Only, that nobody helps me – a pack of nobodies would be rather fine, on the other hand. I’d love to go on an excursion – why not? -- with a pack of nobodies. Into the mountains, of course, where else? How these nobodies jostle each other, all these lifted arms linked together, these numberless feet treading so close! Of course they are all in dress suits. We go so gaily, the wind blows through us and the gaps in our company. Our throats swell and are free in the mountains! It’s a wonder that we don’t burst into song.’」

歸來的巴士上有很多人,不過,我卻依然感覺身処無人世界。A pack of nobodies. Myself included.

備註:卡夫卡「Excursion into the Mountains」原文引自「Franz Kafka: Collected Stories」,Everyman’s Library 出版社出版,1993,第12頁。


Anonymous said…
thats amazing story.
Anonymous said…
why so serious??
MX said…
The Joker: It's simple. Kill the Batman!

The Joker: I had a vision, of a world without Batman.

The Joker: See, I'm a man of simple tastes.
Anonymous said…
joker: 'if you're really good in something,you'll never do it for free'

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