搭好之後,我的第一個念頭,就是找出我幾個星期以來一直想閱讀的澳洲本土小說家蒂姆 • 溫頓的小說《雲街》。據說這是一部在澳洲很受歡迎的小說,敘述的是西澳的兩個家庭分別經歷了不同的磨難之後,逃到了城裡,同住在一條名為「雲街」的地方,並組成一個家庭的故事,幽默感人。
「 … … Some people are lucky, she heard him say. Joel, he’s lucky. Got a good business. His hayburners win. See, I got me ole man’s blood. Dead unlucky.
Rose yawned. Until your luck changes.
Luck don’t change, love. It moves. … … 」
讀書,尤其是讀小說,在這個網絡鋪天蓋地,無孔不入的年代,可算是一件十分奢侈的事情。不過,在「世界末日」後的第一天,我有條件,有心情來盡情地讀一本小說。女兒覺得我的做法有些奇怪,拿著相機給我拍照的時候,說:「Dad, you have problems」。我笑了,沒有作答,心裡卻想:也許女兒是對的。大熱的天,陽光普照,在後院子裡搭帳篷,露營,然後讀小說。這些行為在十幾歲的女兒看來,說有問題,也許並不十分誇張。
「Sam and Oriel and Lester met in the Lamb’s kitchen at Cloudstreet before breakfast. It seemed to have occurred to them all at once.
Sam noticed that Oriel Lamb had the beginnings of a beard. Oriel Lamb still had a strange overwhelming parental power about her, and he imagined that crossing her would be like crossing luck itself. Sam felt himself shrinking in this engineroom of a kitchen whose walls throbbed with produce. From the window you could see the yard on the Lamb side, its terraces of flowers and vegies inside chickenwire, the stonefruit trees heavy, the redspattered tent sucking its cheeks in the morning wind.」
也許每個人,每一天都同時生活在不同的世界裡:有工作的、家庭的、朋友的、網絡的, 與人共享的,或者一個人的,當然也有小說裡所描繪的世界。人的想像力,在放慢了節奏的生活裡,會慢慢地復活,然後張開翅膀,自由自在地飞翔。
Note: The English excerpts are from Tim Winton's novel "Cloudstreet" (Penguin Books Australia Ltd. 1991).